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We are selling an AEA custom 52mm to carbon fiber bottle adapter kit. Here is what is included:

1. Custom 7075 aluminum adapter that has been anodized.

2.  3″ adapter for using a regulator (4″ available, if needed).

3. Sample pellets

In just a few minutes, you can convert your gun into a regulated or non-regulated carbon fiber bottle set-up. The offset allows for larger carbon fiber bottles.

NOTE: These are small runs made from the best and most pricey aluminum. Also, I helped make this product a reality, but it was not my initial idea. The idea came from an AEA dealer, and he has set the price at 150.00 (Less profit than you might think). I need to honor that price he has set, but I am including the regulator tank adapter and pellets at no extra charge (Let me know the caliber you are shooting).

NOTE ON THE ZEUS: The 4″ adaptor will work for regulating and adding a carbon fiber bottle to the Zeus; you just need to remove the knob on the side of the regulator to install it. Within a couple of weeks, I will have the 4.5″ adaptor tube for the Zeus, and this will no longer be necessary.






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